Applecorers Shanty

Applecorers Shanty is a community shanty group based in Appledore in North Devon. At the time of writing (August 2023) they play monthly gigs in Appledore at the Beaver and the Champ, as well as regular appearances in Instow and other North Devon haunts.

View Applecorers local events >

Sea shanties are a vital part of Appledore’s history. Many of Appledore’s residents a hundred years ago worked on the fishing fleet or on ships transporting raw materials and finished goods along the Bristol Channel. There were numerous small shipyards too, reinforcing the links between Appledore and the sea. There is still an active fishing fleet, and it is wonderful that Applecorers continue the maritime tradition with their sea shanties and other songs of the sea.

Applecorers have a Facebook page at Below is a link to a sample of their singing skills, recorded at the Beaver in April 2023.

Beaver Sea Shanties sing by Applecorers - Appledore's sea shanty group