Russell Bave

Market Street Kitchen 25 Market Street, Appledore, Bideford

Russell Bave is performing as part of the Appledore Music Festival. Click on Russell's name above for more details

Tunes in the Temple

Sandy Brown's Studios New Quay Street, Appledore

Tunes in the Temple is part of the Appledore Music Festival. Click on the event name above for more details.

Morris Dancers

The Beaver Irsha Street, Appledore

The Morris Dancers are performing as part of the Appledore Music Festival. Click on the name above for more details

Marsh & the Reluctant Friends

The Champ 5 Meeting St, Appledore

Marsh and, reluctantly, his friends are performing as part of the Appledore Music Festival. Click on the band's name above for more details.